【同义词辨析】 2017-12-04 纪念keep-commemerate
keep: suggests a customary or wonted noticing without anything untoward or inappropriate: ~ THE Sabbath.
observe: suggests marking of occasion by ceremonious performance of required acts and rituals: today not all holidays are ~ nationally.
celebrate: suggests acknowledge of an occasion by festivity and indulgence: they traditionally ~ Thanksgiving with a huge dinner.
commemerate: suggests marking of occasion by observances that remind one of origin and significance ~ Memorial Day with laying of wreaths.
记忆方法: 1) 通常说的过节庆祝,实际是纪念或致敬,这组词的基本意思是"纪念"。
2) 最基本的keep可能只是习惯性注意,其他3个都有仪式或庆祝,都解释为纪念某一时刻occasion。
3) 首字母记忆KCOC,把COC联想为Code Of Conduct行为规范,K为Keep,KCOC就是"纪念行为规范"。
4)纪念的意思是对事迹表达敬意和怀念,通常在特定日期场合mean to notice or honor a day, occasion, or deed.